Sunday, April 29, 2007

Okay, okay, okay...


So, I must seem all over the board here. Our first post obviously is all about me being a brand spankin' new Christian, and then the next post is all about Kidmax... and then... a mission trip?! Actually, this will be the second one this year...

It's pretty phenomenal, when you think about it. I mean, seeing it on the page there gives me goosebumps suddenly, and I actually lived it! I'd been a Christian 2 months when I started this blog, and I definitely hadn't foreseen the events of 2007. Considering where I was at spiritually, and relationally in my life, you could have offered the chance to go Scotland or Halifax to me and I would have jumped on it... but if you had told me I would be a missionary, I probably would have... well, I wouldn't have believed you. But as we rang in the New Year at Winter Conference, my heart was singing in tune with God. He had chosen, and I was going to Scotland. I had no idea how, and I was pretty sure I wouldn't measure up, but... well, I'll save that particular story for another day. Before I leave for Halifax, I'd like to spend my time unpacking a bit of my walk with God with everyone. For some of you, you've been by my side almost constantly since the beginning, and so I thank you and dedicate these words to you. Your faithfulness has been such an encouragement. To those of you who feel you played what seemed like a minor or inconsequential role, I assure you, you are dear and worthy, and you are not forgotten!

So from here on in, a series of entries that map out roughly the last 8 or 9 months of the journey. Feel free to ask me questions, add your comments, etc. I'd love to get an idea of who's reading! :)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

How much can you pack into eight months?

Apparently, quite a bit. I'll do justice to everything that's happened since last September in a few days, but for now I want to say hey to everyone and give you a little info.

So in about 6 days, (5 if you factor in the night I'm staying in Toronto), I will be departing for beautiful Halifax, Nova Scotia for the summer, for yet another amazing adventure! So much has happened since I found I was going a few months ago, and God's been so faithful and so good. I can't say much else right now without spoiling upcoming updates - I want to keep some sort of order! So I'll just say that I hope to keep this updated at least on a bi-weekly basis while I'm down east, with news and prayer requests. I'm only $209 away from my support goal of $2150! That's amazing! Not only is God a provider in the monetary sense, He's also lead me into some new relationships that have really been an all-round encouragement. I can't say thank you enough to everyone who is supporting me with prayer and funds for this journey - your blessing means so much to me. Please stay tuned, and DO NOT HESITATE to email me with updates about your lives!

I'll post something more coherent after my exam is finished on Saturday. So long for now!

Oh, and I did give the blog a new look. A lighthouse is just a big lamp post, right? I thought it fit the the nautical theme for this summer!