Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Happy News

This will be a short one, but a bright one. As the title suggests, I've got happy news! Last night I attended my first night of homechurch in Carlisle, and needless to say, I'll be going back. A welcoming atmosphere, good discussion, and there was even a bit of worship at the beginning and many people offering up prayers at the end. Somewhat different from previous experience, and thankfully so. I'm really quite happy that this fits into my schedule, too (although somewhat precariously, as it's right after class on Monday). So praise God for that! No more traveling into Burlington!

Also praise worthy: It seems that since Summit, 3 new decisions to follow Christ have been made on campuses across Canada. This is just what's been recorded, too, so who knows how correct that number is. It's awesome all the same! Thank you God for new brothers and sisters!

Sharing and surveying tomorrow! Keep praying! And have a great week!


sajoy said...

37 seems to be the running number as of today for "indicated decisions" since this year has started. crazy! i don't even know which campuses these decisions are from.

you can check out
to see the updated numbers on the left hand side bar

it's good to hear that you found a closer by church to go to =)

Erin said...

37?! I see 49 as the total decisions so far... maybe your cache needs emptying or your browser needs refreshing? Either way, praise God!

Anonymous said...

Erin, any time you want to borrow a John Piper (or similar book), just ask!!

-Uncle David