Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What to say? So much happened in four days that I'm still reeling, trying to gather thoughts up. If ever there was a time I was running on God's strength and not my own, now would be it.

I think my first hint that these past few days were going to be intense was my meeting with my new discipler, Becky on Saturday morning. When she asked me how project was going, how I was feeling, and if there was anything I needed to discuss, I thought for a moment, and then very honestly responded, "No, actually, I think everything is fine..."

Now, before I continue, don't panic - everything is, for the most part, fine. I'm alive, very well, and the overall status here in Halifax is PTL - Praise The Lord! What I wasn't taking into consideration on Saturday morning was the fact that DRIME - Disciples Ready In Mobile Evangelism was meeting for the first time later that afternoon and choosing a leadership team for the remainder of the project. Nor did I take into consideration that I would be chosen as one of the leaders, or that in itself would create a conflict. Now, as said conflict is still being resolved in the most Christlike way possible, I'll refrain from going much farther on the subject, but suffice to say, with the leadership, appointed somewhat haphazardly as it were, in somewhat of a chaotic state as of Saturday evening, attempts to run further DRIME practices throughout the weekend were also somewhat... chaotic.

Some people might have come out of this weekend and found it to be a total waste, and if anyone from DRIME especially found this to be the case, then I'm truly sorry. However, I think God knew exactly what he was doing with all those assembled, and despite (or maybe because of) the conflicts that arose, he was able our own stubborn ideas and turn them on their heads. What I'm trying to say, in a few words, is that God really took a strange situation and has really opened the floor to some personal revelations and has really shown several of us projectiles what it means to be a servant leader, as well as how to trust his leadership above all else. So, yesterday evening, while I was feeling fairly peaceful about the situation, I was also feeling fairly exhausted and had totally planned to sit out FTWAP (Free Time With A Purpose, or "Footwap") in favour of what I felt was a well earned nap. However, when Nicole asked me if I'd like to meet up with her and Aram, a TESOL student from South Korea who was eager to learn about God, I couldn't really say 'No' - Just hours before I had been talking about my desire to spend more time evangelising and how I felt a lack of it in my life. So shortly after dinner ended, I found myself sipping tea in Nicole's apartment as the three of us, including Aram, went through the 'Knowing God Personally Booklet'.

Now, I don't think I have ever met anyone so eager as perhaps I was to hear and learn more about God than Aram was last night. From seeing Nicole's bible to finding out that she could to God - in Korean no less! - she was enthralled. The booklet itself proved to be a page-turner, as Aram excitedly went through it. If ever there was someone prepared by the Holy Spirit, she was it, and praise God, with so much thankfulness and joy Aram prayed to receive Christ last night! We have a new sister!! Nicole and I were nearly in tears over how joyful Aram was. I quickly slipped out to grab the key to the storage for all of our real life kits, which include a copy of the new testament, when I saw Steve and told him the news and where I was headed. Holding up a finger, he went into his room and returned with a brand new bible, still in its wrapping. Apparently there was an extra left over from something... anyways, imagine my joy to present Aram with her very own copy of the whole bible. It was truly an amazing night, and I won't forget it soon. Please pray for Aram and her walk as a new believer in Christ! I will keep you all posted on her progress as Nicole and I follow her up!


1 comment:

Paulman said...

I, uh, wish I had read this blog post a month ago :O

With that being said, now I know the story of Aram believing in Jesus! Yay!