Monday, August 06, 2007

Ranty McRant

I'm taking a short break from cleaning out my room. Like, literally, gutting every possible orifice. You know what I'm learning?

I keep EVERYTHING. Blaaaaarg.

Witness Erin: Cleaning machine. Whirr-Hummmm.

Seriously though! I've found all kinds of things from first year, which was uh, 4 years ago, and even before then. I keep the strangest things. Sticks from hikes. Old notes from classes I've long forgotten the lessons of (in hopes that I'd study them sometime in the future?? No THANK YOU, Friend!!). Living virtually out of a suitcase in Halifax taught me the value of simplicity. So I'm making an effort to cut my room in half. I've got a box full of stuff for eBay, I've already carted 3 bags of paper to the blue box. Another stack to be burned. My desk drawers have never looked so clean or purposeful. It's taken me 3 hours just to do my computer desk. Just looking at my drafting desk makes me sad. Mostly because it has mutated from desk to a junk collector.

I need a more functional room. Pray - seriously - that I manage to severely minimize this space. This room is too full of memories to be full of crap too.


Paulman said...

Heh heh :P

Yah, I'm a pack-rat, too. I learned as much when I was packing to come to Halifax. Then I realized that I brought way more stuff (like books) then I'd realistically get a chance to use.

Heh heh.

sajoy said...

I'm cleaning out my room as well! it's taking me so long!! each corner of my room takes so much time as i sort through stuff from ages ago that I thought I had thrown away. most of the stuff in my room though is actually not mine. rather, randoms and junk that my parents put into my room every time i'm gone. I swear I cleaned it out last year around this time, but lo and behold, more junk is in it again. my mom sets up camp in my room whenever i'm gone =)